e-conomic accounting software

Let our accounting software take care of the hard work

  • Get all the features you need
  • Free support by phone, email and chat
  • Try it for free - it's completely non-binding

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Dine oplysninger behandles i overensstemmelse med vores privatlivspolitik


To mennesker sidder og arbejder ved et bord foran deres computere

e-conomic accounting software

More than 200.000 companies have chosen e-conomic as their accounting software. And this is why:


Kom godt fra start i e-conomic med gratis support

Start working right away with the assistance of our free phone and chat support

Få alle de nødvendige kernefunktioner i e-conomics grundpakke

Get all the important features for invoicing, bookkeeping and VAT in our Basis package

Udvid e-conomic regnskabsprogram efter behov

Have the full overview by integrating e-conomic with your other business software


e-conomic's features

All the features you need for accounting


Free mobile app

This is e-conomic on the go. Handle everything from invoicing to bookkeeping from your phone - no matter where you are.

Invoicing and sales

Tailor your invoice, use an invoice template, and send and receive electronic invoices in e-conomic.

Switch between languages

Set e-conomic to the language you prefer. You can choose between English, Danish, Swedish or Norwegian.

Finance and bookkeeping

Keep track of your accounts with a full overview of all financial items in your company.

VAT accounts and statement

VAT is always calculated automatically in e-conomic, making the reporting process easy.

Easy handling of documents

Scan your documents and store them digitally in e-conomic. If any documents are missing, they can be requested on the mobile app.

Bank reconciliation

You can easily retrieve account transactions from your bank and compare them with your accounts.

More than 100 currencies

Choose the primary currency to work with in e-conomic. In addition you can pay, send and post your invoices in any other currency.


Functionalities in e-conomic

But wait, there's more...


Digitalisering af din bankintegration

Digitalisation in e-conomic

Digitalise your company at your own pace

How digitalised you work with accounting depends on how you have built your workflow. Considering our ​200.000 ​customers and their various versions of workflows, we have assembled our packages with the tools needed for different levels of digitalisation and automation. So if you want, you can have our technology pull the heavy - and time consuming - load.

Create and send orders, offers and payment reminders

Orders, offers and payment reminders

e-conomic gives you the tools to easily create and send orders and offers to your customers. In addition, you can use our system for payment reminders to quickly get an overview of your customers' payment status - and send out reminders when needed.

Papirfly med dollar-tegn, der flyver
En illustration af en computer og e-conomics Bankintegration

Bank integration in e-conomic

Always updated figures from your bank

Have your bank entries automatically imported to e-conomic so your bank reconciliation is always up to date. This way, you'll avoid manually matching postings, and get an accurate picture of your business operations.

e-conomic mobile app

Easy and flexible document handling

Get rid of crumpled receipts and lack of overview of your documents. Now you can scan and store your documents digitally in e-conomic. This allows you to clearly see which entries are missing an attachment, and request them via the mobile app.

Remember, you can add colleagues as free mobile document submitters - making document sharing even easier.

En telefon foran et bilag
En illustration af e-conomics Bilagsmatch

documents in e-conomic

Automated document management

There are various features in e-conomic to automise your document management. You can let e-conomic match your vouchers with the correct posting - and give you a quick and instant overview of missing vouchers. Next step is to have e-conomic read your vouchers automatically and make posting suggestions for you to approve. This feature is also available in the mobile app.

Accountant and bookkeeper in e-conomic

Effective collaboration with your accountant or bookkeeper

e-conomic allows your accountant or bookkeeper to have full access to your accounts, letting you quickly share papers, handle documents digitally and meet deadlines with all the paperwork in order.

Få hjælp til årsafslutningen

Tailored system

Customize e-conomic to your needs

You can tailor your e-conomic agreement by integrating your accounts
with other administrative systems. Choose from more than 200+ apps.


Udvid e-conomic regnskabsprogram med flere funktioner gennem apps og tillægsmoduler


The most dedicated customer support

We understand accounting. That's all we do. Every day. That is why we have put together an entire universe to help and guide our customers.
This is how we ensure that you get started properly and get the most out of your e-conomic.


Få hjælp af vores support
  • Call the experts on telephone 88 20 48 40

  • Write and solve your problem in the chat

  • Get free online courses every day
    - also for users on trial
  • Search among countless help articles to suit any situation 

  • Be guided with detailed help videos



But what does the e-conomic accounting program cost?

Read more about prices on our four packages.

Go to price page


Try e-conomic

Try it for free and without obligation


Does not require 
credit card


No binding


Expires automatically